Thursday, February 23, 2012

Terrific Thursday!!

Okay, so, bare with me everyone as I am new to the whole blogging scene...and i will try to blog at least once every week or 10 days.  (things tend to get busy, rather quite hectic around here). 

I am really excited because someone graciously gave me a band saw.  oooh the things (toys) that i have been dreaming up for that new gadget.  :)  We are going to pick it up today and i cant wait to get to work on it. 

I feel like I am caught up with everything at the shop, all the toys I wanted to get on etsy are online, I finally made a batch of my sealer and all i really need to do is put everything away.  Today i start "sew day".  So, once i put everything away, ill get all my sewing machine out and i will be starting 2 slings!  I have decided to do these 2 slings a little differently.  I am really excited about them, so i will post when they are finished. :) 

Im hoping that the sun will pop out today too at some point.  Maybe once my girly has slept a good nap, we will take a walk....

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

First Blog Post

Here is to my first blog post!  For months now i have been saying that i am going to start a blog for the baby bungalow and FINALLY i am doing it!  :)  Cheers to many good things that this blog will bring, which also includes some sanity for myself.  (lol) 

Anyway, The baby bungalow has been up and running now for almost a year...just a few months shy. Im extremely blessed for all the sales that we have had and hope that this continues to happen.  I really have to give the Thanks to my daughter because, it is for her that i even started this etsy shop:  I wanted to give her good quality toys that enable her to learn and discover all on her own.  Trust me, my house is not full of just eco-friendly toys and non-plastic items but, i do encourage my waldorf and montessori toys more than others.  Besides, every time i told someone "no toys" for birthday/xmas, i got "those looks".  So, for now i am letting that battle alone. 

Even though I am only a part time stay at home mom for right now, I love every minute of it.  The days are hectic and full of art and teachings, even at this young age.  Amelia is finally napping, after 30 minutes of talking to herself in her crib.  I am waiting on some more stock to arrive today to get to work on but, in the mean time, i have some montessori puzzlers to work on, painting, sealing and a few other things, and that is just for the shop.  After that, i have a photo course to get lesson plans ready for, a gift to crochet, a house to clean, some puppies to love on, and family time.  (good thing we did our beach bike ride early today :))  But these are the things that make me love my every dayness and everything is just that much more special